Michael Orford
Michael is married to Anna and they have one child, Lydia. Both Michael and Anna served on the staff team at Moorlands as trainees in the past, and now both work in Lancaster. Michael recently qualified as a Chartered Accountant, and he works for a local firm in town, and has been there for 7 years.At church he heads up the 14-18's youth work and he also co-leads the Friday Night Football outreach that church organises. In his spare time, you will find Michael playing or watching any sort of sport - but particularly anything to do with Chester FC! He also enjoys watching good films and doing a spot of gardening.
Danny Rurlander
Danny is married to Emma and they have four adult children and two grandsons. Danny and Emma both grew up near Lancaster, trained at Moore College in Sydney, and were thrilled to return to be part of the revitalisation of Moorlands, which Danny has led since 2005.Danny serves the church as Senior Pastor, which includes preaching, vision and strategy, and keeping the staff and elders teams on mission. He also sees raising leaders as a core part of his job as a local church pastor, and is passionate about preaching Christ from all the Scriptures.
Danny is also a published children’s author, and on days off you might find him exploring wide open spaces with an Ordnance Survey map, researching the setting for his next action adventure story for boys and girls aged 8-12.
Joe Standerwick
Joe is married to Natalie and they have four children: Sophie, Isla, Harry, and Jack. Joe trained for ministry at Oak Hill Theological College, before which he was on staff at Moorlands for five years. As Student Pastor, Joe’s primary role is to teach and care for students and their leaders, as well as helping other students hear the good news of Jesus. He also heads up our ministry trainee programme.To relax Joe enjoys being out on his bike in the Trough of Bowland, walking with his family, reading a good novel, or competing with others on the squash court.
Gareth Watts
Gareth is married to Fiona and they have three children, James, Caleb and Anna. They came to Lancaster as students and got stuck into the student programme at Moorlands. During that time they were convinced of the centrality of the gospel, and decided to make Lancaster their home after graduating to continue serving as part of the church family.After graduating Gareth spent 5 years as part of the Staff Team working with students, before finding a job as a mortgage adviser at a firm in the city centre. He’s a very passionate professional cycling fan, and occasionally enjoys riding his own bike!
Nathan Weston
Nathan is married to Sîan and they have three children; Ben, Isaac, and Hannah. Nathan and Sian both grew up in Blackpool and were members of Moorlands for around 5 years before moving to London for Nathan to train at Oak Hill Theological College. Nathan served as our Associate Pastor up until 2024. He is now the Biblical Studies Lead for Crosslands as well studying for a PhD in the book of Proverbs.In his spare time Nathan enjoys highly dangerous extreme sports, such as birdwatching, reading, doing crosswords and listening to Test Match Special.
Church Staff
Danny Rurlander
Danny is married to Emma and they have four adult children and two grandsons. Danny and Emma both grew up near Lancaster and were thrilled to return to be part of the revitalisation of Moorlands, which Danny has led since 2005.Danny serves the church as Senior Pastor, which includes preaching, vision and strategy, and keeping the staff and elders teams on mission. He also sees raising leaders as a core part of his job as a local church pastor, and is passionate about preaching Christ from all the Scriptures.
Danny is also a published children’s author, and on days off you might find him exploring wide open spaces with an Ordnance Survey map, researching the setting for his next action adventure story for boys and girls aged 8-12.
Becky Byrom
Becky came to Lancaster to train as a music teacher in 2005 and she loved being a part of Moorlands so much she didn't want to leave. Becky has been working for our church family since 2009 - first as a trainee and now as our families worker.Becky likes to sing and play the piano and is almost completely dependent on tea. Other spare moments are filled with eating, watching films and trying to survive circuit training.
Felicity Hargreaves
Felicity moved to Lancaster in 2006 and spent 7 years teaching the Bible to students as a Ministry Trainee and then Student Worker. She is married to Stephen and they have 3 boys, Samuel, James and Thomas. She now works part time teaching, discipling and training women at Moorlands.Her favourite thing to do is to open up the Bible one to one with Christian women and those investigating Christianity. In her spare time she loves reading on her own and with her boys, going for walks and playing cricket with her family and drinking tea with her friends.
Joe Standerwick
Joe is married to Natalie and they have four children: Sophie, Isla, Harry, and Jack. Joe trained for ministry at Oak Hill Theological College, before which he was on staff at Moorlands for five years. As Student Pastor, Joe’s primary role is to teach and care for students and their leaders, as well as helping other students hear the good news of Jesus. He also heads up our ministry trainee programme.To relax Joe enjoys being out on his bike in the Trough of Bowland, walking with his family, reading a good novel, or competing with others on the squash court.
Lydia Stones
Lydia is married to Howie and came to Lancaster in 2016 to study Environmental Biology (NOT Geography - to dispel any rumours). She has been part of Moorlands since her first year as a student and has stuck around ever since as she loves the way the whole church family longs to grow in maturity and faith!She enjoys serving her church family, particularly the students and growing more in her love of God and his good plans.
Lydia enjoys browsing charity shops and drinking chai tea latte; she loves all things nature and any excuse to do fancy dress.
Dan Jenkinson
Dan is married to Jen and has a baby girl called Martha. He came to Lancaster in 2015 to study Geography, crossing the Pennines from Sheffield. After being a Ministry Trainee, Dan taught Geography at a secondary school in Blackpool, before becoming the Student Worker at Moorlands in early 2025. His prayer is to see many students in Lancaster come to know Jesus for themselves and commit to be his whole-life disciples.Dan enjoys testing his mental fortitude with cryptic crosswords, running around Lancaster, most foodstuffs including chickpeas and is convinced that it’s always time to make a pun!
Ministry Support Staff
Becca Holden
Becca was born in the North West and has spent most her life here, bar a brief spell in Chesterfield. Becca was raised in a Christian home and is very thankful to God for it. She became a Christian in her teens. Becca and her family moved to Moorlands in 2012.
Becca is a massive Bolton Wanderers fan and is one of only a handful of people who still owns a season ticket! Aside from football, she loves to spend time with friends and enjoys watching test cricket, rugby league and the occasional crime show. Her main task as Administrator is freeing Danny up for more word ministry.
Ministry Trainees
Josh Allmand-Smith
Josh arrived in Lancaster to study Biomedicine in 2021 and was massively impacted by the Christ-centred and gospel driven ministry of Moorlands whilst studying. Josh is currently involved in student and youth ministry which strives to help students and young people grasp the good news of Jesus.
In his spare time Josh enjoys playing football, where you’ll likely find him playing with the Moorlands group on a Friday evening. Josh also enjoys watching Man United, which has given him some highs and many lows.
Joe Conner
Joe arrived in Lancaster to study economics in 2021 and came to Moorlands from day one. Joe was also involved in serving within Lancaster Christian Union and has enjoyed seeing people captured by and growing in the gospel.
To hang out, Joe enjoys going for walks (assuming the weather is not too miserable!), catching up with friends and reading. He is also being taught to play badminton by our church family.
Andy Lau
Andy was born in Hong Kong and came to Lancaster in 2021 to study Computer Science. He became a Christian after coming to Lancaster and started to come to Moorlands since his first year.
Andy enjoys making music in his spare time. He is a bassist in a band called “Let’s Make Music”. Also, Andy is a big fan of sports. He loves playing badminton and basketball and cycling around Lancaster.
Kaly Ng
Kaly came to Lancaster to study Media Studies at university. She was intrigued by the student programme at Moorlands when she first joined and decided to stay. She is mainly involved in ministries with children and students, helping them grasp and spread the good news of Jesus to people who have not yet known Him.
In her spare time, she loves playing badminton as it recharges her, and you might find her as a competitive player on the court. At other times, she enjoys creating artworks with her hands, making and sharing good food with people, and she also knows a bit about film photography.
Isabelle Ramos
Isabelle came to Lancaster for university in 2019. She visited Moorlands soon after arriving in Lancaster, fell in love with the Bible-centered nature of the church and has stayed ever since. As a trainee, her role includes serving on the student and families teams, helping people of many different ages love Jesus more.
In her spare time, Isabelle loves hanging out with family and friends and enjoys reading, writing, cooking and swimming.
Yanki Tze
Yanki grew up in Hong Kong and came to Lancaster University in 2021 to study Psychology. Navigating her relationship with God, she joined Moorlands in her second year and got baptised in April 2022 after truly recognising herself as a saved sinner and the love of Jesus Christ. She is currently serving in the Youth Focus and the Internationals teams.
Yanki finds swimming and dicing ingredients therapeutic, and enjoys playing badminton and drawing.
Viana Yau
Viana studied at Lancaster University and joined Moorlands Church in her second year. She is now in her first year as a Ministry Trainee serving at Moorlands. Her work is mainly focusing on student ministry, helping to spread the good news of Jesus to students in Lancaster. She is also part of the hospitality and music team.
Viana enjoys cooking, baking and doing exercise with her friends which includes badminton and cycling.
To find out more about our Ministry Training Scheme click here.