Growth Groups are for our non-student members and meet during the week in people’s homes. Growth Groups are about helping our members grow in discipleship, as they study the Bible together, pray for one another, and encourage each other as they seek to live and speak for Jesus.
There are various groups meeting in different areas of the city, as well as daytime groups for those who are free at that time. As with all our activities, the focus of the time is studying God’s word together and thinking through the implications for how we think and act as Christian people.
There is also plenty of time for prayer, chat and simply enjoying getting to know one another!
If you would like to join a Growth Group, please do contact us.
What’s On
Bible Studies
This term in Growth Groups we'll be studying the same passage we've heard preached on Sunday morning, and thinking more deeply about what it means for us to put it into practice.
Every year our programme of centrals give all the groups some input on a key aspect of Christian theology, help with a challenging area of Christian life or training on communicating the Christian faith more clearly.
Who heads up Growth Groups?
Nathan and Felicity coordinate our Growth Groups. If you'd like more information about Growth Groups then please do contact us.