It can be daunting walking into church for the first time, whether you are used to church or new to the whole experience. At Moorlands we want to do our best to make it as easy as possible to settle in, to get to know people, and to get involved.
What we’re about
Alongside millions of evangelical Christians around the world we believe that the Bible is God's true and powerful word which contains all that we need to know for life and for salvation, and which ought to determine all we do and think as a church.
Because this is God's work, we are committed to doing his work his way, which means being dependent on his word, the Bible. To this end our priorities as a community of Christian people are:
To be taught and built up through careful Bible teaching.
To see Christians loving and serving each other and being trained and equipped for a life time of service.
To share the good news of Jesus with others in Lancaster, on the university campuses and further afield.
Moorlands Church family is made up of people of many different ages, backgrounds, and stages of Christian understanding. But at the heart of everything we do is a trust in the living God who has revealed himself through his word, and a desire to glorify him by spreading everywhere the message of Jesus Christ.
We would be delighted to have you join us as we seek to know God better, and to make him known by proclaiming Christ!

We have plenty going on in the life of our church for those who are new to Christianity and/or new to church.
Exploring Christianity
We regularly run courses for people who are new to Christianity, to help them explore its claims for themselves. Hope Explored is a course designed to help people grapple with the big questions of life.
‘Newish’ Lunches
We periodically serve a lunch following our Sunday meeting for those who are new or ‘newish’ to church. Over lunch you’ll meet new people and find out more about Moorlands.
If you would like to come along to our next ‘Newish’ lunch please let us know by getting in touch below..
Start Up Course
Start Up is our five-week membership course to help you get involved in church. Over five sessions you’ll find out why we exist, what we believe, and how you can partner with us in God’s mission.