Christian Generosity
Christian believers are motivated to be generous in response to God’s lavish generosity to us in the gospel. This ‘gospel generosity’ comes when Christians truly understand the ultimate generosity of God in the death of his Son, who though he was rich, yet for our sakes became poor, so that through his poverty we might become rich (2 Corinthians 8:9). Knowing Jesus frees us to be joyfully generous - with our time, energy, resources, and money.
Why Give to Moorlands Church?
At Moorlands we rarely mention money in our meetings, unless it happens to be in the Bible passage for that week, nor do we take a weekly collection. One reason for this is that such practices can be confusing and embarrassing to newcomers and we want to be clear that we are not interested in them for their money, but so that they can understand the word of God.
However the Bible is clear that those who benefit from the ministry of the local church - that is, those who consider themselves partners, and those who attend regularly - have the primary responsibility before God for funding the church (see for example Galatians 6, 1 Corinthians 9).
Our main expenses are staff wages, building maintenance costs, general administrative costs, and support for our mission partners. We would ask everyone who attends Moorlands regularly to consider giving financially, in accordance with their means, to support and grow the work of the church.
How to Give
1. Standing order form
The form below enables you to authorise your bank to make a regular monthly payment to the church.
2. Internet banking
If you use internet banking it is very easy to set up a standing order yourself on line using these details:
Account: Moorlands Church
Sort Code: 16-52-21
Account Number: 54243521
For tax payers
If you are a UK tax payer please fill in the Gift Aid form below and we will be able claim back the tax you have paid. Please return these forms to our church office (address at the bottom of this page), addressed to Mr Alex Yare (our Associate Treasurer).
Giving to the Building for Growth Project
If you would like to give to our Building for Growth project, please use the same bank details as above and reference ‘BFG' on your gift. We can also claim Gift Aid on these gifts if you fill out the Gift Aid form above. Thank you for considering partnering with us in this project.